4/14/23 Principal's Message
4/14/2023 6:28 pm
Hello Otters,
What a beautiful week we had with warm weather and sunshine. It was a perfect way to welcome your students back from Spring Break. Recently, we have had a number of classrooms attending field trips to museums, recycling centers and special events. Being outside the classroom to learn and have new experiences are great ways for students to grow and learn together. There are only 7 more weeks of school, and we are looking forward to the upcoming events and activities on the horizon for all of your students.
Ana Delgado
Upcoming Events
- Monday, January 6
- Thursday, January 9
- Saturday, January 11
- Thursday, January 16
- Monday, January 20
- Friday, January 31
- Monday, February 3
- Thursday, February 13
- Friday, February 14