2/17/2023 1:11 pm
Hello Ocean View Families,
The AUSD Student Achievement Committee (SAC) is launching a Listening Campaign to hear from the community. The SAC wants to better understand what factors contribute to student’s learning and well-being and how the district can better support students and families. Consistent with research broadly, there is an achievement gap at AUSD - some groups of students are performing lower than other groups of students. These groups include our Black, Latino, special education, and English Language Learning (ELL) students. The SAC believes that the best way to support these students is to hear from their families directly about the challenges that exist and what resources have been helpful. Furthermore, the SAC values the voices of all families, especially those that are often unheard. Therefore the Listening Campaign will be running focus groups at different days, times, locations (different school sites, zoom), and languages so that all caregivers can attend and share their experiences.
We are asking you to partner with us to help us hear from as many voices as possible. We need volunteers to:
- Let families and groups know that the Listening Campaign will be taking place in March - we will start posting flyers soon along with sign up sheets. Please emphasize the importance of their participation - their voice matters!
- Volunteer to participate in focus groups. While we will have focus group facilitators, we need volunteers who know our community and school sites to be able to help direct follow up questions. For example, if a parent is asking about a resource, you may be able to share a resource that the facilitator is unaware of. We also know that more families will participate when someone they know and trust is part of the group.
Have a wonderful mid-winter break,
Ana Delgado
Upcoming Events
- Monday, January 6
- Thursday, January 9
- Saturday, January 11
- Thursday, January 16
- Monday, January 20
- Friday, January 31
- Monday, February 3
- Thursday, February 13
- Friday, February 14