Walk Bike and Roll to School Day


Every October, schools across the county—and the world—celebrate International Walk and Roll to School Day (IWR2SD). The celebration is designed to encourage students, families and the school community to roll, walk, bicycle, take transit, or use other non-motorized transportation to get to school. This year, IWR2SD will take place on Wednesday, October 9, 2024.


Why Should We Celebrate and Encourage Walking and Rolling to School?

  • In one generation, the number of kids walking and bicycling to school has dropped from 71% to 18%.
  • Transportation is responsible for nearly 40% of the Bay Area’s harmful greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Seventy-five percent of California students are not able to pass basic fitness standards.
  • Travel to school accounts for approximately 21% of all morning traffic.
  • It is an easy way for children to get the recommended 60 minutes of daily physical activity.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

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